Sitemap - 2021 - Illuminate Me

The 12 Days of Illumination: Day 12

The 12 Days of Illumination: Day 11

The 12 Days of Illumination: Day 10

The 12 Days of Illumination: Day 9

The 12 Days of Illumination: Day 8

The 12 Days of Illumination: Day 7

The 12 Days of Illumination: Day 6

The 12 Days of Illumination: Day 5

The 12 Days of Illumination: Day 4

TAKE 2: The 12 Days of Illumination: Day 3

The 12 Days of Illumination: Day 3

The 12 Days of Illumination: Day 2

The 12 Days of Illumination: Day 1

Gimme a break

You're fired, peach hater!

Survey says...

You're an acquired taste

Happy little accidents (on purpose)

I didn't see that coming

That's a hard pass

Got a minute?

Ever wanna be someone else?

Yes, please

Your reality is warped

Is this thing on?

Thanks for noticing

I'm not having it

Better late than never

I don't even see it anymore

I'm such a loser

What's your (re)purpose?

A little help, please

Verb your enthusiasm

You're giving me all the feels

You're so predictable

He laughed at me

Bad news: You're not a thought leader

Who's your bestie?

It’s not where you’re from; it’s what you do with who you are that matters most

Ooh, that's my favorite subject

Nobody asked you

Uh, you're FAQ'd

Up for a quickie?

That's a dumb question

I feel you, bro (no, really)

Not feelin' it

Take me to your master (class)

Thank you for your hate

I'm not old; I'm vintage

That tastes like soap

You must be psychic

It wasn't me; it was my nisus

Oh no! Your making a huge mistake

A double order of insouciance, please

I'm losing it

People tell me things

Damn, I’m pooped—you too?

Let's get real

Saints and Pagans and birds, oh my

Here's to the ugly ones

That time I dropped the spaghetti (three times)

Careful, your quiddity is showing

Sometimes I lie


Well, that was awkward

Who's ready for a glow-up?